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«Youth SuperPower. Перезагрузка»
#apply working instructions, #control finances, #advise on career, #advise on career, #build professional network, #build professional network, #cope with stress, #psychology, #do self-assessment, #Assertiveness, #build professional network, #create creative ideas, #channel promotion, #build professional network, #manage projects, #manage team work, #demonstrate motivation, #principles of artificial intelligence, #demonstrate motivation, #build professional network, #analyse time sheets, #Promoting creativity, problem-solving and 'out-of-the-box' thinking
Include Yourself
#create a business plan, #Develop ideas, #create marketing plan, #marketing plan and strategy, #accounting, #legal case management, #entrepreneurship, #social business, #identify client goals, #identify goals, #set goals, #live up to expectations of target audience, #deal with cash flow, #manage cash flow, #business model, #business models, #control finances, #create a business plan, #live up to expectations of target audience, #identify goals, #social business, #marketing plan and strategy, #accounting, #control finances, #entrepreneurship, #set goals, #create marketing plan, #manage cash flow, #deal with cash flow, #business models, #Develop ideas, #legal case management
Include Yourself
#create a business plan, #Develop ideas, #create marketing plan, #marketing plan and strategy, #accounting, #legal case management, #entrepreneurship, #social business, #identify goals, #identify client goals, #set goals, #live up to expectations of target audience, #deal with cash flow, #manage cash flow, #business models, #business model, #control finances, #create a business plan, #live up to expectations of target audience, #identify goals, #social business, #marketing plan and strategy, #accounting, #control finances, #entrepreneurship, #set goals, #create marketing plan, #manage cash flow, #deal with cash flow, #business models, #Develop ideas, #legal case management
UNFPA Belarus
#prepare for childbirth, #promote health, #Learn to learn, #support gender equality, #maintain relations with children's mother and father, #planning, #communications, #the healthcare system
UNFPA Belarus
#analyse issues, #support gender equality, #maintain relations with children's mother and father, #planning, #communications, #speaking about your work in public, #inform children's parents, #plan teamwork
Civic engagement
Бяры & Рабі
#team-working, #endorse volunteers, #track people, #managing resources, #organising workers, #presenting storyboard, #HR, #complete deadlines, #coordinate volunteers, #plan deadlines, #Team up, #teamwork approaches, #make deadlines, #approach potential actors to obtain donations, #planning, #social media marketing techniques, #audiovisual products, #communication, #teamwork principles, #maintain relationships with stakeholders, #share ideas, #task management
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union