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5. Tools & Techniques (Part 1)

Tools & Techniques (Part 1)

Badge informationEndorsements
This badge is a reflection tool for the fifth day of the international training course Mental Health Promotion in the Youth Field. This was a skill-intensive day of training with lots of new concepts and techniques that participants got to try out for themselves:
  • We started by looking at the Target Model that enables us to do ethical and effective Mental Health Promotion with young people.
  • The technique of Resource Anchoring helps us to use previous great experiences from the past as resources for the present and in the future.
  • The use of Powerful Language Patterns was an interesting exercise because of the linguistic and cultural diversity in the room.
  • The Chunking exercise is aimed to get people to think about how we communicate and how by changing the chunk-size we get very different perspective on our experiences.
  • Participants finished the day exploring the New Behaviour Generator which uses technique of mental rehearsal to promote mental health.

The holder of the badge will have worked either on their own or in a small group to reflect on the questions:
  • how the day has gone
  • what has been learned
  • how to use this in your youth work
  • how else to use it. 
The questions are designed to optimise generative learning: they are not just about what the participant has learnt but also how they can use the learning in their work and personal life.

Our work today Covered the following LifeComp Competencies:
  • L1.2: Understanding that learning is a lifelong process that requires openness, curiosity, and determination, 
  • L1.3: Reflecting on other people’s feedback as well as on successful and unsuccessful experiences to continue developing one’s potential,
  • L3.2: Planning and implementing learning goals, strategies, resources and processes, 
  • L3.3: Reflecting on and assessing purposes, processes and outcomes of learning and knowledge construction, establishing relationships across domains, 
  • P1.1: awareness and expression of personal emotions, thoughts, values, and behaviour, 
  • P1.3: Nurturing optimism, hope, resilience, self-efficacy and a sense of purpose to support learning and action, 
  • P2.2: Understanding and adopting new ideas, approaches, tools, and actions in response to changing contexts, 
  • P3.2: Understanding potential risks for wellbeing, and using reliable information and services for health and social protection, 
  • S2.3: Understanding and managing interactions and conversations in different socio-cultural contexts and domain-specific situations, and 
  • S3.3: Fair sharing of tasks, resources and responsibility within a group taking into account its specific aim, eliciting the expression of different views and adopting a systemic approach.

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: აქტივობის ერთი ორგანიზატორი
  1. How has today gone for you? 
  2. What have you learnt?
  3. How can you use this in your youth work?
  4. How else can you use it?
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Civic engagement


#promote mental health
#Growth mindset
#Managing learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union