Ձեզ անհրաժեշտ է ստանալ բոլոր պիտակները ներքևի ցուցակից
This badge shows my understanding and increased skills in creating digital open badges and badge systems to recognise learning and achievements. To earn this badge, I had to complete 4 mandatory and one optional activity:
Mandatory: Activity: What is an Open Badge?; Activity: How to start using Open Badges?; Activity: How to create a quality badge?; Activity: Create badge systems and learning pathways.
Optional: Activity: Badge create tutorials
This badge is issued as a part of the online course leading to the achievement of the Badge Quality Label.
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Finish all mandatory playlist activities:
- What is an Open Badge?
- How to start using Open Badges?
- How to create a quality badge?
- How to create badge systems and learning pathways?