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Training course for youth workers on facilitating learning

Training course for youth workers on facilitating learning

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This badge certificate is a micro-credential that confirms that the person completed the international modular training for youth workers on facilitating learning in international youth work settings.

The residential training activity occurred in Lithuania from 15th to 21st of September 2024. The course participant carried out preparation activities before and follow-up activities after the course. 60 hours of work (equals 2 ECTS) is the estimated time the learner invested to achieve the following learning outcomes at ISCED level 5:

Motivating and empowering young people; Being honest, respectful and transparent; Fostering democratic and active participation; Respecting ethical boundaries when working with (the group of) young people; Raising young people’s awareness of the power of change; Supporting young people in dealing with crisis situations in a fair and constructive manner; Recognising own feelings and values and role modeling this process to others; Creating a supportive environment to act on value, both residential and online; Generating trust and maintaining confidentiality, respecting of privacy and data; Encouraging and actively supports collective actions; Addressing factors supporting and blocking creativity; Having the courage to improvise and experiment and recognising the importance of this; Aiming at reaching educational aims by using specific ways and methods that encourage creativity, problem solving, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, in different environmental aspects; Being OK with imperfections, failures, and mistakes; Confidently and constructively challengig a ‘them and us’ mindset; Acknowledging the experiences of others.

The participant could choose a flexible learning pathway through non-formal training and informal learning activities. The learner could choose to submit evidence of learning outcomes to eight out of thirteen digital Open Badges required to earn this badge certificate. Peer review supported participants' reflection and understanding of learning outcomes. The course training team reviewed and approved badge evidence.

This certification is aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers. The training organiser has approved Erasmus+ Accreditation to carry out learning mobility for youth workers and trainers in compliance with the quality standards in the EU-funded mobility programmes in the field of youth. The Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps Programmes National Agency in Lithuania evaluated the quality and approved accreditation to carry out this training activity.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Complete the international modular training for youth workers on facilitating learning by earning eight out of thirteen activity badges.
Optional: Add any reflection or evidence of your learning outcomes in the programme design competence area. You may also add any other relevant learning which enriches this badge certificate.


Training course for youth workers on facilitating learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union