Awarded for being critical of false or misleading information presented as news, this badge recognises your expertise in identifying and debunking fake news. Through your involvement in the "Truth Trackers: Spotting Fake News" activities, you have demonstrated competences in critical thinking and media literacy, which are crucial for ensuring the accuracy of information.
Skills and experiences gained:
- Fact-checking (connected to Youth Information Competence C4: Generate Options): Mastery of tools and techniques to verify the accuracy of information, adapting complex information into actionable insights.
- Analytical skills: Improved ability to recognize and challenge misinformation.
- Community engagement (connected to Youth Information Competence C6: Enhance Learning and Development): Experience in creating awareness campaigns to combat fake news, contributing to ongoing learning and community awareness.
This badge demonstrates the earner's understanding and actions contributing to the European Youth Goal #4 Information & Constructive Dialogue. Cities of Learning Network partners value badge earner's efforts and contributions and issue this badge after reviewing the provided evidence.
Jums jāpabeidz 2 uzdevumi, lai iegūtu nozīmīti
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Fact-checking exercise:
- Task: Fact-check a piece of information or news that you suspect might be fake. Use fact-checking tools and techniques learned during the "Truth Trackers: Spotting Fake News" activity.
- Evidence: Submit a report detailing your fact-checking process, including the tools you used and your final conclusion.
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Peer talk about fake news:
- Task: After playing some game to understand fake news, have a talk or discussion about fake news with your peers.
- Evidence: Submit a brief report or impressions from the conversation, detailing your ideas and thoughts shared during the talk or discussion
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Awareness campaign:
- Task: Design a small-scale awareness campaign to educate your peers about the dangers of fake news.
- Evidence: Provide a description of your campaign, including any materials you created (e.g., posters, social media posts), and share feedback or reactions from your audience.
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