Self-Assessment of your facilitation competence

Self-Assessment of your facilitation competence



This activity can be done individually, but we highly recommend to discuss the results with your peer learners or colleagues.
Step 1. Click on the link below and you will open Self-assessment questionnaire, focusing on one competence: "Facilitating individual and group learning in an enriching environment". At the end of this questionnaire, you will be able to add your email and results to your inbox.The results will not be shared with anyone - this process is only for yourself.
Step 2. Identify a specific development goal and write it down for yourself. You "Trio" members are you "goalkeepers" - they will support you in reminding and achieving your goal during the course.
Step 3. Discuss with a "learning trio" your self-assessment results and identify what aspects of facilitation competence would you like to focus on during this training. Especially focus on facilitating reflection process as this is the main goal of the training "Ther Power of Experience".

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Self-Assessment of your facilitation competence Erhalte diesen Badge

This badge confirms that person completed the self-assessment questionnaire, focusing on the competence "Facilitating individual and group learning in an enriching environment". The person identified professional development goals and discussed it with peer colleagues.
This activity was part of the training course "Ther Power of Experience".
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Selbstbestätigung
Identify what are your main development goals after conducting self-assessment.



#sich selbst einschätzen
#supporting colleagues
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Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 1 Stunde

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