Taste the "Cherry on the Cake"

Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, Tiranë 1023, Albania

Taste the "Cherry on the Cake"

Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, Tiranë 1023, Albania


Complete range of missions and get to know more about what a "Cherry on the Cake" course has to offer to you!NOTE! You can do it in any order.
  1. REVIEW the course programme and REFLECT on your questions and specific things you wish to learn.
  2. Meet organisers and FIND OUT why this course is organised.
  3. EXPLORE Competences for youth workers working internationally. WHICH competences would you like to work on?
  4. DISCOVER how you can earn your Youthpass and and how can you issue it to others.
  5. Interview each other in pairs filling in the MY STORY AS A YOUTH LEADER template provided.
  6. UNLOCK your first OPEN BADGES and learn how can you get more of them throughout the course.

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This badge shows my involvement in the introductory session about the training course "Cherry on the cake". I reflected on my competences, expectations and tools to support learning.
This activity was part of the training course "Cherry on the cake" took place in Tirana in November 2019.
Tâche n°1
Preuve vérifiée par: en auto-approbation
Share at least one expectation for this training course. Try to be specific - it will help you to keep your learning focus!


Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, Tiranë 1023, Albania

Badges :


#manage personal lifelong learning
#do self-assessment
#conduct interviews
#develop intercultural communication methods
International et Interculturel
Ajouté à la Playlist (1)
Temps à compléter : 1 heure
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Cofinancé par Erasmus+, programme de l'Union Européenne
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