We are sure you welcomed a shorter training day of the international training course Mental Health Promotion in the Youth Field today and hope you enjoyed your time exploring The Netherlands. Here’s a short recap of what we did in the training room today:
Submodalities: These have been described as the “building blocks of our experiences”. Having looked at how we experience our lives through our 5 senses, submodalities are the specific qualities of the images we see, the sounds we here and the feelings we have.

P.O.S.S.E.E. We switched our attention to focus on setting well-formed outcomes to our work in mental health promotion. Whatever our role with other people, youth worker, coach, therapist or mentor, our first question needs to be “What do you want?”. If the answer to this question is not clear, we can waste time and rapport. The P.O.S.S.E.E. Model gives us a framework to get really clear outcomes.