This activity was created for the international training course "Cherry on the Cake", but it can be accomplished by anyone at any time. Your challenge is to accomplish one of the following missions.
MISSION 1: Play the Kahoot quiz (availably during the training only) + discuss with your peers the essential aspects of an international youth exchange.MISSION 2: Complete at least 3 Learning playlists of STAR OF EUROPEMISSION 3: View at least 4 videos of your choice from the Youth Exchanges Youtube Playlist created for the MOOC on Erasmus+
Explore Essentials of International Youth Exchanges Get this badge
This badge shows my interest in learning about Erasmus+ funded international youth exchanges. I accomplished at least one of the presented mission and explored the essential aspects of international youth exchanges.
This activity was part of the training course "Cherry on the cake" took place in Tirana in November 2019.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: self-approved
Give your own definition of the international youth exchange.
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