Explore Examples of Youth Exchanges

Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, Tiranë 1023, Albania

Explore Examples of Youth Exchanges

Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, Tiranë 1023, Albania


Get to know couple of examples of youth exchanges during the training course "Cherry on the cake", which took place in Tirana in November 2019.
Organisation "Art Contact"
The project "VIDEMOCRACY” aims at raising the capacities of the consortium providingspace, tools and opportunities for youth workers in Balkan and Turkey to explore, analyze and promote activeparticipation and democratic citizenship for youth through interactive multimedia andcreative tools.
The project aims to support the professional development of youth workers and youthleaders on their critical understanding of democracy, active citizenship and EuropeanCitizenship. It explores and makes participants experience its potential by enabling themto recognize and integrate fundamental concepts such as building the democracy, activeparticipation and European Citizenship in their youth work.
Organisation "Beyond Barriers"
Youth exchange “Raise” provided space for 41 young people from 8 different countries to discuss about employability and youth entrepreneurship in an intercultural and international context. The project aimed to focus on entrepreneurship promotion and the role of mindset and skills in enabling participants to recognize and capitalize on entrepreneurial opportunities. The activity provided a good setting for youngsters to exchange and experience about themes interconnected such as: youth employability, youth entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial mindset, social entrepreneurship using non formal education methodology. Participants in the youth exchange had the opportunity to test their creative ideas linked to entrepreneurship, learn from each other and get inspired to provide solutions to common challenges related to youth unemployment.

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Explorer of Youth Exchanges Behaal deze badge

This badge shows my curiosity and learning about youth exchanges. I got to know couple of examples of youth exchanges during the training course "Cherry on the cake", which took place in Tirana in November 2019.
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: zelf goed te keuren
Reflect and write here what interesting ideas did you take from the examples presented?


Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, Tiranë 1023, Albania


#active listening
#analytical thinking
Internationaal en intercultureel
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Tijd om te voltooien: 1 uur


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