This learning playlist will guide through every step in building your shiny CV! You will find out many tips, examples and videos on each chapter of a CV. Learn what professionals recommend you and succeed in your future career!
This learning playlist was created during the strategic partnership project "New Dimension in Career Guidance", supported by the Erasmus+ programme and organised by partners from Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Ireland. #CareerForYouth
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The information about your work experience must be in a chronological order, starting from the most recent one. The work experience usually includes the name of the company, the position held and the responsibilities.
Focus on the work experience that gives added weight to your application. If your work experience is limited:
describe your education and training first;
mention volunteering or (paid/unpaid) work placements which provide evidence of work experience.
Important is to stress the consistency of how to write the responsibilities. The information must be consistent, for example, all verbs ending with –ing, or in infinitive or in any other form, but all responsibilities must be written in the same manner.
Check the videos and additional resources below. You will find article on some bad examples of CVs and also examples of a good CV.
Now go to and add your work experiences there. Upload a screenshot to earn a badge!
This badge shows your experience in learning about ways to build your CV. This badge was issued for describing work experience in a person's CV. The badge was issued automatically upon uploading required evidence.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: auto-aprobare
Upload a screenshot of your work experience described in your CV.
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați