GameON podcasts series “Unfolding Game Design”

GameON podcasts series “Unfolding Game Design”

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Check the sound on your device and join this unique playlist of 10 podcasts series “Unfolding Game Design”!

We interviewed international experts that facilitated group game design processes for educational purposes. The focus is on the process more than the resulting games.

This playlist will help you to:
  • gain knowledge of existing game design experiences, creators and organisations in Europe;
  • get inspired to try some new educational games;
  • understand how to build game design experiences on different topics;
  • reflect on what kind of game design experience do you want to make;

This podcasts series is a part of the KA3 project “Game On: Inclusion through Educational game design” co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Cover image: photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash


#active listening
#osebni razvoj
Aktivnosti: 10
Začeto: 1
Dokončan seznam predvajanja: 0
Potreben čas za dokončanje: 3 ure 30 minut


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