Do you know that organisations and informal groups of young people can receive support to carry out projects, bringing together young people from different countries to exchange and learn outside their formal educational system?
Erasmus + supports non-formal learning mobility of young people and youth workers in the form of Youth Exchanges and mobility for people who work in the field of youth. These actions provide non-formal and informal learning opportunities for young people and youth workers. Learning activities within the youth field are meant to have a significantly positive impact on young people as well as on the organisations involved, the communities in which these activities take place, the youth field itself and the European economic and societal sectors at large. (Erasmus+ EU programme for education, training, youth and sport)
This educational activity was created to support youth workers' competence development in the "Programme design" area and is part of the Playlist. Playlist through its activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally:
- Competence in action (behaviour): Involves the young people in designing the programme, where possible
- Knowledge of the values and key principles of non-formal learning
- Willingness to research and stay up-to-date with the newest developments in non-formal learning-related practices
- Skill in developing meaningful programmes that motivate and engage young people
- Ability to create conditions for young people to feel and show solidarity with different values, beliefs and worldviews
- Skill of identifying external influences on the development of the practice of youth workers